Over the next few weeks I will be posting new images here. These new images are an edit from my
Flickr account. This will be the next step in the process of editing down the multitude of images that are on the
Flickr account.
www.flickr.com/photos/tbemister. Here we go....

Shot three rolls for this event. An old farmhouse on State Road 49 on the north end of Rankin Illinois. As I was driving by I noticed the activity going on and pulled over to take a look. The local and regional fire departments were conducting practice fires in the home for training. When I went by they had finished and were about to take the house and barns down. Right place at the right time. More to follow with these images...

The lone corn plant growing in front of this doorway was just too good to pass by. Not as common a sight as you might think. I had to make this image.

I like this image a lot. I passed by this yard sale at about 75mph... Glad I stopped and turned around. I got better stuff here than I thought I did. There are a couple of detail shots and a few wide shots I will have to do more with yard sales in the future.

Going for more details.... among the few things I try to record in every town I go to are the fire
hydrants... sometimes what is around them make them just that much more interesting.

It's been a while but, I am pretty sure his name is Leon. Nice old man with a hearing aid and coke bottle glasses. He is the salt of the earth. Grew up and lived in both Missouri and Illinois. Truck driver and cattle man that worked well into his 70's. After a stroke sidelined him he moved in with his daughter in Kinsman, Illinois. I found him sitting on his back porch that overlooks Kinsman Road watching the day go by.... he said that he wakes up early everyday with nothing to do; by noon, he's halfway done.... love that dry humor.
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