Over the last six months I have found it very difficult to be behind the lens. I have had no inspiration and when I did something it didn't seem to work. I have spent most of that time drawing, reading and working... mostly reading and working. It has been a very trying time. The other day; Sunday to be exact, I had a little glimmer of inspiration. There is a new development of townhouses going in down the street from my house. On my way home from work I decided to go and see what would happen. I loaded up a roll of film and ran through it. Instead of doing what I normally do I decided to look from a different perspective. My focus in previous projects has been on development and land usage. I have recently thought that the 'land' part of my work has not gotten enough attention so, here I am focusing more on the land itself. It is a beginning and I am able to see some potential in it which is important. I think it is time to get back to work. More images to follow.
Reading List-
The Jungle Books- Rudyard Kipling
King Solomon's Mines- H. Rider Haggard
Reading Now-
The Secret Agent- Joseph Conrad
Up and Coming-
Montcalm and Wolfe- The French and Indian Wars- Francis Parkman
Still looking for the art teacher job. I am ready to teach high school students how to be artists if there is a high school ready for me.
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